phpOCR v0.03 - the php Optical Character Recognizer phpOCR is a simple optical character recognizer. It is very alpha so consider that when you use it. INSTALLATION: 1) for phpOCR-0.0.3.tar.bz2 do: bzcat phpOCR-0.0.3.tar.bz2 |tar xv for phpOCR-0.0.3.tar.gz do: zcat phpOCR-0.0.3.tar.gz |tar xv 2) copy char_inc_6.php, index.php and tmp1.png to folder where webserver can find them For simple tryout that should be all. Have fun. NOTES: *)If you want to use gif images you need to have programm gif2png under /usr/local/bin. Some file permission shanges should also be necessary. Check index.php for more info. *)It is possible to use phpOCR in automated scripts. a)One way is to use curl or wget or similar utility and do something like: curl -s -o out1.txt http://YOUR_URL/index.php?out=plain&filename=http://REMOTE_URL/image.png b)The better way would be to edit index.php and change it to suit your needs. The index.php should be pretty much self explanatory. *)To get the best quality and speed recognition out of particular font is to create a font file. a)create image that has all digits from 0 to 9 in that order in one line. b)In "output type" chose "template" and upload. c)Copy output code and create a new char_inc_*.php. d)In index.php find line that contains $conf['font_file'] = 'char_inc_6.php'; and replace 'char_inc_6.php' with your newly generated font file. CHANGES: v0.0.3 * phpOCR now works with register_globals=Off in php.ini * added Docs folder with example template image and docss v0.0.2 * Code cleanup * Added output formats: plain, xml * Added feature to specify URL as image source * Interface changes * Speed optimization Janis Putrams 2004.07.29.